
The reason most developers dislike Object Relational Mapper (ORM) frameworks is because it is slow, clumsy, limited and flawed. The benefits are consistency, compatibility and abstraction it offers to larger projects.

ATK Data is a Data/Persistence mapping framework in PHP implementing an alternative to ORM to achieve the following goals:

  • offers consistency, compatibility and abstraction
  • avoid classical flaws of ORM pattern
  • remain SQL/NoSQL agnostic
  • offer ability to take advantage of vendor-specific features

The pattern implemented by ATK Data (DataSets) were proposed on Apr 2016. The design goals and concepts are further discussed in Overview.

Quick Intro

ATK Data is focused on reducing number of database queries, moving CPU-intensive tasks into your database (if possible). It is well suited for Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL and ClearDB but thanks to abstraction will work transparently with Static data, NoSQL or RestAPIs backends.

When using ATK Data, it’s possible to work with the data on a higher level, performing operations such as DeepCopy, Deep Traversal as well as Aggregation.

Core of ATK Data aims to:

  • allow you to describe your object entities without database specifics
  • save/load model data through generic database drivers for SQL and NoSQL
  • work with multiple record sets in your application
  • integrate with generic User Interface or Application Interface extensions

ATK Data can do a lot more through add-ons.

Quick Tour

First get the following:

git clone https://github.com/atk4/data-primer.git
cd data-primer
composer update
cp config-example.php config.php

vim config.hpp

php console.php

Enter statements into console one-by-one and carefully observe results. If you wish to see SQL queries as they are being executed, be sure to include “dumper” proxy.

Persistence Driver

Persistence is a database, like MySQL. It could also be a CSV file. To interract with a persistence you need a driver. console.php has already initialized persistence and connected to database, but no queries were executed:

> $db
=> atk4\data\Persistence\SQL {...}

The appropriate persistence class will be selected depending on your connection string (DSN).

Model Definition

Your application does not talk to database directly. Instead it requires an object, which we call Model. You should create class for every business entity, for example:

Model Instance

Return back to the console, and create instance of Client class:

> $client = new inv\Client($db);
=> inv\Client {#170
     +id: null,
     +conditions: [],

The object $client has a state and can be used to interact with single or multiple records. Multi-record operations currently apply to entire set of data. Lets find out how many cliens we have:

> $client->action('count')->getOne();
=> "10"

Next, we can use Model::loadAny to load one record from persistence and then get data with Model::get:

> $client->loadAny();
> $client->get();

The types returned by get() are automatically converted from database-specific to PHP-specific, such as DateTime.


Model object will also populate Field objects. You can get list of them with Model::getFields. Observe that field objects may vary depending on definition or Data Persistence capabilities.

Unlike other frameworks, Model object is reusable. You can unload and load data of another record or even iterate through entire set:

> $client->unload()
> $client->loadBy('name', 'John');

Field objects also remain and can hold valuable information which may be relied on by other frameworks or add-ons on the fly.


ATK Data uses term “reference” instead of “relation”, because it’s more broad. Think of it this way:

  • one record of Client has many Invoice records.

Reference is defined in Model::init method like this:

$this->hasMany('Invoices', Invoice::class);

Go back to console and see which references your $client object has:

> $client->getRefs();

Then traverse this reference:

> $invoices = $client->ref('Invoices');
=> inv\Invoice {#226
     +id: null,
     +conditions: [

Observe that the model returned by Model::ref does not have active record, but instead it has condition set. This narrows down set of “All invoices” to the “Invoices of client John”. We can execute operation on John’s invoices:

> $invoices->action('count')->getOne();
=> "2"

You do not have to load record in order to traverse further. Try this:

> $all_lines = $invoices->ref('Lines');

You will get a Line object conditioned to a DataSet corresponding to all invoices of client John. This time lets calculate total amount of all the invoice lines:

> $all_lines->action('fx', ['sum', 'total']);
=> "69"

The query used to fetch this value was constructed with our inferred conditions, but also taking into account that there are no physical “total” field and instead it is a multiplication of qty and price fields.

Our invoices also have a due field, lets see how many invoices are due:

> $due = clone $invoices;
> $due->addCondition('due', '>', 0);
> $due->export(['ref', 'total', 'due']);

This would give you list of due invocies and amount due.

User Actions

ATK Data provides a way to describe User actions. Once described action can be invoked through generic API, Add-on or UI. Lets find out which user actions $invoices offers:

> $invoices->getActions()

You should see action register_payment here as well as description of it’s arguments. Lets invoke this action:

> $invoices->register_payment(30.0);

Now you can re-request list of due invoices:

> $due->export(['ref', 'total', 'due']);

This time you should see a different picture, since the payment was allocated towards multiple invoices of client ‘John’.

Quick UI

ATK UI contains enough information about your business model to actually be able to create a very nice administration system for it. Not only that, but some elements can be used for the client-facing front-end too with minimum code.

Install Dependencies

ATK Data can be complimented by https://github.com/atk4/ui, which can be used in conjunction with any other meta-framework. Here I’ll present just a quick intro focused on building UI for existing data structure, but for a more comprehensive intro, see https://agile-ui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html.

Use composer:

composer install atk4/ui

Next create a simple file:

$app = new \atk4\ui\App();

// Specify which UI layout to use

// Create new Form object
$form = $app->add('Form');

// Associate UI component with your model and persistence
$form->setModel(new Client($app->db));

Opening the page will display a form consistent with the model/field definitions. A generic UI component will find fields suitable for the form and present them accuratelly with a correct type. No extra files or code is required.

Try using different views

ATK UI comes with varietty of different views, so try replacing $form creation with this:

$table = $app->add('Table');
$client = new Client($app->db);

// Load existing client

// Show invoices of specific client inside a table

Next relace Table with CRUD and now your UI should allow you to add, edit and delete records too. Make note that any new invoices you add will be associated with the client with id=1:

$table = $app->add('Table');
$client = new Client($app->db);

// Load existing client

// Show invoices of specific client inside a table

Use Admin layout

Finally - ATK UI offers a hierarchical approach to rendering UI, so you can easily design layouts:

$app = new \atk4\ui\App();

// Admin layout offers menu for navigating

// Load existing client
$client = new Client($app->db);

$columns = $app->add('Columns');

// Two column layout
$c_left = $columns->addColumn();
$c_right = $columns->addColumn();

// Show client card on the left and invoices on the right

Don’t forget to authenticate

I leave it as an exercise to you to create authentication for the admin. There is a very good add-on https://github.com/atk4/login which will make use of a Model to verify user access:

  • require atk4/ui
  • create ‘User’ model
  • implement auth checking
  • verify login/logout functionality
  • verify password change screen

Quick API

If you need integration with React app or Mobile app, you might need an API. Once again - because ATK Data models contain some useful information already, it can be linked up with the API end-points directly. Also due to nature of https://github.com/atk4/api - it is a non-intrusive class, which follow standards and plays nice with other frameworks.

Install Dependency

Install using composer:

composer require atk4/api

Write the code

Create api.php file. You could mod_rewrite all requests into this file or use api.php/clients/1 style endpoints, which would work out of the box:

$api = new \atk4\api\Api();

// Create end-point route for clients
$api->rest('/clients', new Client($db));

// Create end-point route for client invoices
$api->rest('/clients/:client_id/invoices', function($id) use($db) {
    $client = new Client($db);

    return $client->load($id)->ref('Invoices');

Actions, ACL and More

In a normal situation, your UI code may have to deal with various cases and variance depending on permissions, object state and more.

With ATK add-ons you can continue to focus your work on ATK Data models and simply have the UI / API reflect your structure and business rules.

So don’t ask “how to add new button to the table” but rather thing in terms “how to add new action to a model”. The benefit is that actions can also be accessed from the APIs if authentication and access control is configured correctly. You’ll learn how to do that as you continue reading this documentation.


In ATK community there is a saying “way of ATK”. This refers to an implementation which implements the requirement with very small amount of effort from developers.

This QuickStart presented only the basics and demonstrated inter-component integration. I recommend that as you continue to work on your models, keep “UI” and “API”

MasterCRUD Add-on

I simply have to mention MasterCRUD add-on (https://github.com/atk4/mastercrud), which is designed to simplify things even further. This add-on is ideal for Administration Systems and traversing relationships automatically. I leave it to you to investigate how your entire Admin System code could be even shorter.