Model Aggregates¶
In order to create model aggregates the AggregateModel model needs to be used:
AggregateModel model can be used for grouping:
$aggregate = new AggregateModel($orders)->setGroupBy(['country_id']);
$aggregate above is a new object that is most appropriate for the model’s persistence and which can be manipulated in various ways to fine-tune aggregation. Below is one sample use:
$aggregate = new AggregateModel($orders);
$aggregate->setGroupBy(['country_id'], [
'count' => ['expr' => 'count(*)', 'type' => 'integer'],
'total_amount' => ['expr' => 'sum([amount])', 'type' => 'atk4_money'],
// $aggregate will have following rows:
// ['country' => 'UK', 'count' => 20, 'total_amount' => 123.2];
// ..
Below is how opening balance can be built:
$ledger = new GeneralLedger($db);
$ledger->addCondition('date', '<', $from);
// we actually need grouping by nominal
$ledger->setGroupBy(['nominal_id'], [
'opening_balance' => ['expr' => 'sum([amount])', 'type' => 'atk4_money'],